Palazzo Grimani 31/12/2025 Near the Hotel Scandinavia,
Palazzo Grimani was purchased by the State in 1981 and in 2001 a decree of the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage gave responsibility for its management to the Superintendency of State Museums in Venice.
With the reopening of the palazzo on December 20th 2008 the city of Venice gained an especially valuable addition to its museum circuit, internationally important for its architectural originality, the quality of its decoration and the history of its development.
At the beginning of the 16th century, Antonio Grimani gave his sons the family house at Santa Maria Formosa: later, on the advice of celebrated architrects such as Jacopo Sansovino, Sebastiano Serlio e Andrea Palladio, Antonio’s grandsons " Vettore, a Procurator of St. Mark’s and Giovanni, the Patriarch of Aquileia " substantially altered the building and gave it a classical stamp.
The palazzo housed Giovanni Grimani’s archaeological collection, one of the finest of the time, which was strikingly displayed on shelves, mantelpieces and plinths in settings such as the specially designed Tribuna and the courtyard.
The decoration of the rooms is of extraordinarily high quality, with outstanding stuccowork and frescoes reflecting the confidently unconventional taste of the Grimanis and executed by Mannerist artists such as Giovanni da Udine, Francesco Salviati, Camillo Mantovano, Francesco Menzocchi and Federico Zuccari.
All this makes Palazzo Grimani unique in Venetian history and architecture, a fascinating treasure house of cultural, artistic and historical riches and, now that its restoration has been completed, a museum of itself and of a few choice examples of the taste underlying the creation of the family collections in the 1500s.

From Tuesday to Sunday: 8.15 am to 7.15 pm
Monday: 8.15 am to 2.00 pm
Palazzo Grimani
Querini Stampalia 31/12/2025 Near the Hotel Scandinavia,
The Querini Stampalia Library has general topics and offers its users more than 350.000 ancient and modern books.

According to an agreement made with the Municipality of Venice, it is defined as the Civic Library of the historic centre, thanks to the significant role it has for the city.

Museum and exhibitions

From Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm

Closed on Monday
Library and Newspaper library

From Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am - 12 pm

Sunday and holidays, 10 am - 7 pm

Closed on Monday

The Library is also open at night and during holidays. The entry is free for visitors aged over 16.

In the reading room, users can have access to about 32.000 books and more than 350 magazines and journals, as well as choose among 20 local, national and international newspapers every day.

The Library staff is available for bibliographical research and consultation.

In the Library rooms, users can surf the net for free using their own computer.
Querini Stampalia
Basilica San Giovanni e Paolo 31/12/2025 Near Our Hotel and near the S. Giovanni e Paolo hospital,
San Giovanni e Paolo is an important monumental area in Venice, second only to that of S. Mark's. San Giovanni e Paolo Square is one of the busiest in the city, because it lies in a strategic position between the Fondamente Nove (and Murano) and the center of Venice, between Barbaria delle Tole and the Cannaregio district. In San Giovanni and Paolo Square there are some bars with tables outside with a great view, among them the "Rosa Salva". In the nearby of the square are located a few local taverns "osterie" where you can eat at affordable prices. There are three major attractions in this area that the Venetians also called Zanipolo: the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo, the Scuola di San Marco and the Colleoni Monument.

Per le visite turistiche viene richiesto un contributo per le opere di restauro di 2.50 euro.
Per i residenti nel Comune di Venezia l’ingresso è libero.
Per gli accompagnatori di persone disabili, guide turistiche e professori l’ingresso è gratuito.
Per i presbiteri, i religiosi, le religiose e i seminaristi l’ingresso è libero.
Per tutti gli studenti 1,25 euro.
La Basilica è aperta: dal 1/10 al 30/06 ore 07.30 - 19.00

dal 1/07 al 30/09 ore 07.30 - 18.30

Orari per le visite turistiche:

giorni feriali dalle ore 09.00 alle 18.00
giorni festivi dalle ore 12.00 alle 18.00
*nelle feste di Natale e Pasqua la Basilica chiude dalle ore 12.30 alle 16.00.

Orari delle messe:

giorni feriali ore 08.00 (no sabato) ore 18.30 (no luglio, agosto, settembre)
giorni festivi ore 09.00 ore 11.00 ore 18-30
San Giovanni e Paolo
Festa del Redentore 2025 19/07/2025 Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 July 2025

The Festa del Redentore is a festival that is particularly popular with Venetians as it combines a religious theme with a spectacular celebration that attracts thousands of visitors. On Saturday night, the inimitable setting of St. Mark's Basin hosts a phantasmagorical firework display that lights up the spires, domes and bell towers of the city with a kaleidoscope of colours and reflections. At dusk, just as they have done for centuries, numerous small boats decked out with balloons, decorations and brightly coloured lanterns, begin to flock into St. Mark's Bay and the Giudecca Canal. The boats then moor alongside each other and all the participants enjoy a sumptuous dinner of traditional Venetian specialities while they wait for the firework display that begins at 11.30pm and lasts until well past midnight.

The history of Redentore
The Festa del Redentore is a tradition that dates back to 1577. It was first held to celebrate the city's deliverance from a terrible plague, and the construction of Palladio's "Redentore" (Redeemer) Church had been commissioned for the same reason. The Church, built on the Island of the Giudecca, can still be reached by pilgrims during the festival by means of an impressive 330-metre-long pontoon bridge. The "Redentore" celebrations include a solemn religious service and procession presided over by the patriarch of the city, and the weekend ends with a series of gondola races, organized as part of the "Voga alla Veneta" rowing season.

redentore 2025
Santa Maria della Salute 21 November In October 1630, the Venetian Senate decreed that if the city was delivered from the currently raging plague that had killed about a third of Venice's population, then a new church would be built, by Longhena, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

After the construction of the church, the annual Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin saw a major procession of the city's officials from San Marco to La Salute for a service of thanksgiving for deliverance from the plague. This involved crossing the Grand Canal on a specially constructed pontoon bridge. The Festa della Madonna della Salute is still a major event in Venice.
New Year's eve in Venice 31/12/2025 NEW YEAR’S EVE IN VENICE
The most beautiful city in the world celebrates once again the New Year with music, toasts and fireworks. The Venetian new Year's Eve returns to Piazza San Marco in Venice and Piazza Ferretto in Mestre, ready to set the two hearts of the city beating on one of the most important nights of the year.
Capodanno a Venezia
Venice Marathon 2025 26/10/2025 VeniceMarathon, Sunday, October 26, 2025
VeniceMarathon is held every year on the fourth Sunday of October. The 39° VeniceMarathon has reached the participant cap, with 7.000 runners and foreigners reaching nearly 30% of the total.
Venice Marathon
19 International Architecture Exhibition 10 May - 23 November 2025 The 19th International Architecture Exhibition will run 10 May to 23 November 2025 (pre-opening May 8 and 9), curated by the architect and engineer Carlo Ratti in the Giardini and the Arsenale, and around other venues in Venice. International Architecture Exhibition
82° Venice International Movie Film Festival - Lido di Venezia 27 August > 06 September 2025 The 82th Venice International Film Festival is organised by La Biennale di Venezia, and will take place at Venice Lido from August 27 to September 06 2025.

Info and telephone number (en)
Information: For further information
Tel. +39 041 5218 711
Fax +39 041 5218 854

Additional information: The screenings schedule (day / time / theater) will be available around mid-August.

La Biennale di Venezia
Su e Zo par i ponti 2025 06 April 2025 The “Su e Zo per i ponti” that in Venetian means up and down bridges, was conceived by Father Dino Berti. What he wanted to create was a non-competitive track event to enjoy Venice in a funnier way. In fact, to this amazing race take part group of people both from Venice and the hinterland, children, young people, families, old people and everybody who wants to enjoy a different way of visiting Venice. Participants can choose amongst three different ways.

Su e Zo par i ponti
Regata Storica Venice 2025 07/09/2025 Scores of typically 17th century-style boats with gondoliers in period costume carry the Doge, the Doge's wife and all the highest ranking Venetian officials up the Grand Canal in a brightly coloured parade. An unforgettable sight and a true reconstruction of the glorious past of one of most the powerful and influential Maritime Republics in the Mediterranean. The Regata Storica dates back centuries, probably as far back as the mid thirteenth century when the Serenissima needed to train the crews of its huge navy in the art of rowing Regata Storica Venice
Carnival of Venice 2025 14 February 2025 > 04 March 2025 Carnival of Venice 2025: - 14 February 2025 > 04 March 2025

for the programme visit:
carnevale di Venezia